2009年,Google提议HTTP协议的举动引起了工业界的大讨论。当时的概念叫做 ,时至今日,虽然人们对于Google的动机始终不是很清楚,但是毫无疑问SPDY还没有发现对手。
这周,这种情况也许会发生变化。像微软之前统治世界的方式一样(embrace + extend),他们现在正在着手一项奇怪的战略,推进了一组IETF尚未发布的技术方案,微软称之为下一代HTTP。包括了多路复用多个组件(像SPDY)和一个全时加密的会话层(类似SPDY,但是不依赖于SSL或TLS)。extend 的则暗示了 WebSocket 的应用,一项为下一代Web应用提供的双工通信标准。
微软的介绍性文档中包括下面这一段话:“HTTP at its core is a simple request-response protocol. The [IETF Network] working group has clearly stated that it is a goal to preserve the semantics of HTTP. Thus, we believe that the request-response nature of the HTTP protocol must be preserved. The core HTTP 2.0 protocol should focus on optimizing these HTTP semantics, while improving the transport via a new session layer. Additional capabilities that introduce new communication models like unrequested responses must be treated as an extension to the core protocol, and explored separately from the core protocol.”。
上周的早些时候,微软的一位受人尊敬的互动工程师Jean Paoli在一篇中指出“HTTP的Speed+Mobility提案起源自Google的SPDY以及业界已经完成的WebSockets基础之上。SPDY在提醒人们注意Web的性能方面以及提升HTTP速度方面的努力令人尊敬,目前主要的问题在于如何使SPDY满足移动设备和应用的需求。”。
微软此次提案的其他部分看起来更像是一场辩论,而不是一份提案。例如:“There is no 'one size fits all' deployment of HTTP. For example, at times it may not be optimal to use compression in certain environments. For constrained sensors from the 'Internet of things' scenario, CPU resources may be at a premium. Having a high performance but flexible HTTP 2.0 solution will enable interoperability for a wider variety of scenarios. There also may be aspects of security that are not appropriate for all implementations. Encryption must be optional to allow HTTP 2.0 to meet certain scenarios and regulations.”。
HTTP 1.0's deficiencies and omissions are legendary, and its usefulness in the modern realm of Web applications has come only with substantive effort. The need to replace HTTP 1.0 was recognized by cooperating members of the IETF from the time the Web began.
But the first, best chance at upgrading HTTP with an object-oriented protocol geared toward apps came and went in 1999. HTTP-NG, as it was called at the time, ceased to be discussed not long after some of its creators were hired into Microsoft Research. A technology that would have enabled Web applications a full decade-and-a-half before the form factors for such apps were even fleshed out, stalled for lack of momentum - all in the interest of "open discussion." There's a danger here that Microsoft's move could cause the latest incarnation of HTTP 2.0 to suffer the same fate.
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